Some of academic publications made by the founder of Law Firm.
- Amicus Curiae en sede penal. (Amicus Curiae at criminal headquarters). Actualidad Jurídica Review Nº 40, Faculty of Law, University of Desarrollo, Santiago, July 2019, pages 463 - 480, ISSN: 0717 - 5914.
- De la falta de inocencia de la formalización de la investigación (Of the lack of innocence of the formalization of the investigation). Actualidad Jurídica Review Nº 38, Faculty of Law, University of Desarrollo, Santiago, July 2018, pages 203 - 221, ISSN: 0717 - 5914.
- Sistema de Inteligencia Chileno (Chilean Intelligence System). Publishing House Metropolitana, Santiago, December 2017, 388 pages, ISBN: 978 - 956 - 286 - 241 - 7. Updated and expanded version of the book called Sistema de Inteligencia del Estado a la luz del Derecho (The State Intelligence System in the light of the Law).
- Aplicación de la pena sustitutiva de remisión condicional a la accesoria de suspensión de cargo u oficio público (Application of alternative sanction of conditional remission to the additional punishment of suspension from public office). Actualidad Jurídica Review Nº 34, Law Faculties, University of Desarrollo, Santiago, July 2016, pages 261 - 274, ISSN: 0717 - 5914.
- Algunas tendencias jurisprudenciales sobre el recurso de apelación en materia penal (Some jurisprudential trends about appeal in criminal law matters). Actualidad Jurídica Review Nº 32, Law Faculties, University of Desarrollo, Santiago, July 2015, pages 349 - 370, ISSN: 0717 - 5914.
- Investigación criminalística militar (Military criminalistic investigation). Actualidad Jurídica Review Nº 30, Law Faculties, University of Desarrollo, Santiago, July 2014, pages 373 - 392, ISSN: 0717 - 5914.
- Porte de arma de fuego convencional por personal de instituciones armadas fuera del servicio (Carrying of conventional firearms by personnel of armed institutions outside the service). Actualidad Jurídica Review Nº 29, Law Faculties, University of Desarrollo, Santiago, January 2014, pages 431 - 447, ISSN: 0717 - 5914.
- Porte de arma de fuego convencional por personal de instituciones armadas fuera del servicio (Carrying of conventional firearms by personnel of armed institutions outside the service). Chilean Army Memorial Nº 490, Communicational Department of the Army, Santiago, May 2013, pages 104 - 115.
- Influencia de la profesión de abogado en la función de agente de Inteligencia (Influence of the lawyer profession in the function of Intelligence agent). Chilean Army Memorial Nº 488, Communicational Department of the Army, Santiago, September 2012, pages 82 - 94.
- Sistema de Inteligencia del Estado a la luz del Derecho (The State Intelligence System in the light of the Law). Publishing House Librotecnia, Santiago, June 2008, 351 pages, ISBN: 978 - 956 - 7950 - 80 - 5. Is an innovative work in Chile, since never before made a legal and historical systematization of national intelligence, being the book used as source in different instances of specialized training in Intelligence in State institutions, quoted in various judgments of the Supreme Court of Chile, and also internationally recognized.